Voodoo doll

vodoo doll

Originally uploaded by Viv’s

I wanted to write a rant but when I found I was struggling to even finish a paragraph I remembered that I am bad at playing victim (or to quote Aida, “Sorry I tried but I just can’t do the victim thing”)

So, I’m gonna let karma take care of this one.


Filed under Go Grr...

2 responses to “Voodoo doll

  1. isn’t it voodoo ker aku yg silap hehe…

    selamat hari raya babe..

  2. eh eh you are right hahah. Patutla rasa cam salah je. That was how it was spelt by the originator of the photo lah. I used the the blog function in flickr so the title by default would be the title of the post.

    Selamat Hari Raya to you too :-)

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